Kultura-baliabideen sortzaile eta erabiltzaile diren heinean, intelektualak botere sinbolikoz horniturik agertzen zaizkigu gizartean. Botere hori dela medio, ezinbesteko partaidetza izaten dute gizartean ohikoak diren borroka sinbolikoetan, hau da, errealitate sozialari buruzko definizio-gatazketan. Halaz ere, kultura eragile guztiek ez dute botere-maila bera izaten. Kultura-instituzioen gabeziaren ondorioz, euskal kulturgileek mugimendu-ekimenez jardun behar izan dute eskuarki esparru kulturala osatzeko. Horiek horrela, euskararen eta euskal kulturaren alde mugimendu horretan aritutako kultur-gileek gune kognitibo eta intelektual garrantzitsua eraiki dute historia modernoan zehar. Mugimenduak, alde batetik, ohiko kultura-esparruaren funtzioak bete ditu, eta, bestetik, funtzio politiko nabarmenak, mendeko kulturaren iraupenera zuzendutako erresistentzia kognitiboa izan baitu xede.
   GAKO-HITZAK: Intelektual · Gizarte-mugimendu · Euskalgintza
   Inasmuch as they create and utilise cultural resources, intellectuals are invested with symbolic power. As a consequence of that power, they inevitably participate in the symbolic struggles that occur in society, that is, in the conflicts over the definition of social reality. However, not all cultural agents have the same degree of power. Facing the lack of cultural institutions, Basque intellectuals have had to construct a cultural field on the basis of social movements. As a result, the intellectuals who have acted in the movement in favour of Basque language and culture have built an important cognitive and intellectual nucleus over the course of modern history. On the one hand, the movement has carried out the normal functions of a cultural field, and, on the other, it has fulfilled evident political functions, given that it has held the objective of a cognitive resistance aimed at maintaining the subjugated culture.
   KEY WORDS: Intellectuals · Social movements · Euskalgintza