giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Gure gizartean sexuen arteko parekotasun instituzionala lortu da hein handi batean, hala ere, hainbat esparrutan berdintasun hori ez da gauzatu. Beste askoren artean, hezkuntza instituzionalaren arloa aipa daiteke, eta zehazkiago, ikasketa unibertsitarioen aukeraketan dirauen sexu-segregazioa. Horren ondorioz, lan-merkatuan sexuak ezarritako desberdintasunek irauten dute, femeninotzat edo maskulinotzat hartzen diren hainbat lanbide mantentzen diren bezala, genero-estereotipo oso markatuak izanik. Azkeneko hamarkadetan, nesken unibertsitaterako sarrera masiboa izanik ere, ezin da ukatu sarrera hori ez dela zentzu guztietan eta neurri berdinean gauzatu, ez jakintza-arloari dagokionez, ezta ikasketa-mailari dagokionez ere. Artikulu hau desberdintasun horietara hurbiltzeko saioa izango da.
GAKO-HITZAK: Parekotasuna · Genero-estereotipoak · Aukeraketa pertsonala · Ikasketa unibertsitarioak.
Inour society, gender equality is virtually a fact at the institutional level. However, this equality has not reached many other fields. Formal education is one of these fields. This inequality becomes obvious when we look at the sex-based segregation that still occurs when it comes to choose a university degree. As a result of this the labour market still reflects many inequalities marked by gender. There are still several occupations considered typically male or female, and consequently characterized by very pronounced gender stereotypes. Although there is no denying the importance of the massive access to further education by women in the last decades, it is also true that this access has not been equal in terms of knowledge field and university grades. The present article will try to approach these differences.
KEY WORDS: Equality · Gender stereotypes · Personal choice · Further education.