giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Gertakari kulturala den heinean, hiltzeko prozesua garaiko testuinguru sozialak baldintzatzen du. Ildo horretatik, esan behar da badela egun oraindik gorpuzten ari den hiltzeko eredu berri bat, biografikoa deritzoguna, heriotzaren auziari protagonismo eta erantzukizun handiagoz aurre egin nahi dioten pertsonek aukeratzen dutena, eta horren erakusgarri dira haien hausnarketa eta jokabideak. Eredu hori guztiz bestelakoa da hiltzeko prozesu tradizionalaren aldean. Eredu berriak, ondorioz, hainbat hausnarketa eta eztabaida pizten ditu: nola diseinatu, pertsona garen aldetik dugun askatasunetik, gure gaixotasun- eta mendekotasun-prozesua? Nola kontrolatu norberaren heriotzaren zirkunstantziak? Eta nola eztabaidatu eutanasiaren inguruan printzipio etikoetan oinarrituta?
GAKO-HITZAK: Antropologia · Hiltzeko prozesuaren eredu biografikoa · Autonomia · Eutanasia · Hiltzen ikastea.
How do you want to die? Learning to die
Like any cultural event, the process of dying is influenced by the social context of its occurrence. Hence, as opposed to a so-called traditional model in the process of dying, currently there is another model, that may called a biographical model, still in an emerging stage, that takes into account considerations made and practices carried out by people who wish to adopt or assume a larger role and responsibility regarding issues surrounding their death. As a result, from the viewpoint of adults exercising their individual human rights and freedoms, considerations and discussions are emerging on how may individuals plan their (normally age-related) illnesses and the ensuing dependency period, exert a larger degree of control over the circumstances surrounding their own death, and based on existing bioethical principles, approach the euthanasia debate.
KEY WORDS: Anthropology · Biographical model of the dying process · Autonomy · Euthanasia · Learning to die.