Uztaro 10 (1994)

Euskal nazionalismoaren berreraikuntzaz

Ander Iturriotz Lauzirika
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Nazionalismo estatalak, Europari begira bezala Estatuko hegemoniak eraiki beharragatik, indartzen ari diren bitartean, Euskal Nazionalismoa estankaturik dago. 1993ko ekainaren 6an burutu ziren Espainiako Legebiltzarrerako hauteskundeetan isladatu zen, azken aldiz, egoera hau. Zatiketa larria eta, gehienetan, epe laburrera diseinatzen diren estrategia nahasgarriak izango lirateke Euskal Nazionalismoaren akatsik nagusienak, luzera kapital sinboliko nazionalista ahitzera eraman baitezakete. Erronka bikoitza du, bada, Euskal Nazionalismoak, alde batetik, Estatu boteretsuagoen indar sinbolikoari egin beharko baitio aurre eta, bestetik lehenbailehen lortu bere barne sendoztapena.


While state nationalisms are getting stronger facing Europe and the hegemony of very state, the Basque Nationalism seems blocked. This blockage was shown for the first time in the general elections for the Spanish Parliament held on the 6th. of June 1993. The most important deficiencies shown by the Basque Nationalism are the divisions and the confusing strategies designed in the short term, in the majority of the cases, and which can lead to the erosion of the own symbolic nationalist capital. Therefore, the Basque Nationalism has got a double challenge: on one hand, it must face the symbolic strength of the states and, on the other hand, it must attain its inner strengthening as soon as possible.