Uztaro 10 (1994)

Ezagutza errepresentazio gisa: zientzi ezagutzaren kategorizazio errepresentazionala


Kanten ezagutzaren karakterizazio errepresentazionaletik abiatuz, egungo zientziaren filosofiaren esparruko ikusmolde semantikoetan eskaintzen den zientzi ezagutzaren eta, are zehatzago, zientzi teoriaren ikuskera errepresentazionala zertan datzan azaltzea da artikulu honen helburu nagusia. Horretarako, zubi gisa, neurriaren arazoaren bilakaera teorikoa aurkezten dugu, neurriaren teoria errepresentazionalera iritsi arte. Teoria honek, neurria errepresentaziotzat jotzen duenez, ikusmolde semantikoekiko paralelismoa ahalbidetzen du. Azken finean, errepresentazio kontzeptu honen bidez, hala neurriaren nola zientzi ezagutzaren zerizana argiago uler daitekeelakoan gaude.


The main goal of this paper is to explain, starting from Kant\'s representational characterisation, the meaning of the representational view of the scientific knowledge offered by the semantics in the area of philosophy of science nowadays, or more precisely, of the representational view of the theory of science. With this aim we present, as a possible bridge, the theoretical development of the problem of measure, so that we can get to the representational theory of measure. Since this theory takes measure as a representation, it is possible to make parallels with the semantics. In summary, we think that the nature of measure and scientific knowledge can be understood more clearly through this representational concept.