Uztaro 93 (2015)

Emakumeen presentzia I+Gko jardueretan EAEn: goi-mailako irakaskuntzan emakumeen presentziaren bilakaerari buruzko azterketa


Berdintasunaren arloan azken urteotan aurrerapenak izan badira ere, oraindik bide luzea geratzen da emakume eta gizonen arteko benetako berdintasuna lortzeko. Gauzak horrela, ikerlan honetan aztertzen da zein den, oro har, EAEn emakumeen presentzia egikaritze-sektore desberdinetako I+Gko jardueretan, eta, konkretuki, goi-mailako irakaskuntzan. Planteatutako hipotesiak egiaztatzeko Eustatek, 1993. urtetik 2012. urteraino, I+G arloan eskaintzen dituen serie historikoak erabili dira.

GAKO-HITZAK: Emakumeak · I+Gko jarduerak · Goi-mailako irakaskuntza · Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa.

The women in higher education R&D activities in the Basque Country

In recent years, the activities related to gender equality has progressed; but, there is still a long way to go towards achieving a real equality between women and men. In order to help in the equality process, the objective of this research paper is to analyze the women representation by execution sector in R&D activities in the Basque Country and to further investigate the women in higher education. The Statistic Institute of Basque Country (Eustat) provides us the historical data about R&D activities to verify the proposed hypotheses in this study.

KEY WORDS: Women · R&D activities, · Higher education · Basque Country.