giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Aristotelek planteatu zuen denboraz hitz egiteko bideen anizkoitasuna. Denboraz hitz egin dezakegu ikuspuntu desberdinetatik abiatuz: “noiz” kategoriaren barruan, “fisikaren” barruan, eta matematikaren barruan, denbora kantitate jarraia den heinean.
Kantengan ere matematika da denbora/espazioa-z arduratzen dena, baina besteak beste jarraitasuna ez da agertzen funtsezko ezaugarri bezala. Gainera bere sisteman denbora ez da kategoria bat.
Aipatuko dugu ere Fregek ez duela bat egiten Kantekin aritmetikari dagokionez eta logikariaren ustez ez dago inolako erlaziorik aritmetika eta denboraren artean.
Bukatzeko azalduko dugu, van Benthem-en lanari jarraituz, nola azter daiteken denbora logikaren ikuspegitik, aldiberean Aristotelen denbora jarraiari buruzko ideiek plantea litzaketen arazoak aztertuz.
Aristotle thinks that we can speak of time from different points of view: within the category of \"when\", within \"physics\", and as a mathematical subject, taking into account that time is a continuous quantity.
Kant also regards mathematics as a science of time-space, but continuity is not a basic feature for time. Moreover, in his system, time is not a category.
Later, we will refer to Frege\'s ideas, and mainly to his notion of arithmetic: arithmetic is not related with time at all.
In the last part, bearing van Benthem\'s work in mind, we will see how it is possible to analyse time from a logical point of view, and by the way to study the problems that Aristotle\'s conception of time raises.