giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Munduko historian ez dago gai eta arazo askorik, nazionalismoarena baino gehiago aztertua eta ikertua izan denik. Azken hamarkadetako iharduera akademikoak nazionalismoari buruzko teoria ugari eta, sarritan, kontrajarriak sortu ditu. Adituek ere nekez menperatzen duten oihan teoriko zabal eta ilun horretan zenbait orientabide jartzea da artikulu honen helburua. Horretarako, lehen atal batean, nazionalismo hitzaren analisi etimologikoa aurkezten da honako galdera hauei erantzun ahal izateko: Nondik dator hitza eta nolako definizioa ematen diote zenbait ikerlari ospetsuk? Ondoren, nazionalismo-mota desberdinak bereizi eta sailkatu egiten dituen tipologia eskaintzen da, tipologia honen irizpiderik nagusiena nazionalismoaren funtzioa izanik. Bukatzeko, etorkizunari begira, nazionalismoaren razionalizatzearen aldeko apostua egiten da, bere baitan daramatzan osagai arriskutsuak indargabetzeko.
Few historical subjects have been studied and investigated more than nationalism. During recent decades, academic activity has produced a multitude of theoretical and in many cases contradictory approaches to nationalism. The aim of this article is to propose some information that might be helpful for an orientation in the theoretical jungle, in wich even experts on the subject usually have problems not to get lost. The first chapter deals with an etymological analysis of the concept of \"nationalism\" in order to reveal its origins and present some definitons given to it by historians and sociologists. In the second part we propose a typology of the different models of nationalism, based on the main criterium of their specific functions in their historical context. In the concluding chapter, we present some reflections about the necessity of \"rationalizing\" nationalism in the future as the only way of desactivating its potentially dangerous ingredients.