giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Artikulu honetan Joseba Sarrionandiaren poesia- eta prosa-lanetan agertzen diren emakumezkoen irudikapena aztertzen da, 1981eko Izuen gordelekuetan barrena poesia-liburutik hasi eta 2001ean Lagun izoztua eleberria argitaratu bitarteko garaia aintzat hartuta. Hogei urteko ibilbidean irudikapenok Sarrionandiaren obran izandako bilakaera agerian utzi nahi izan da, ondorio nagusia izanik Lagun izoztuaren argitalpenera arte ez dagoela estereotipoari ihes egiten dion emakumezkoaren irudikapenik.
GAKO-HITZAK: Literatur kritika feminista · Emakumezkoen irudikapena ·Sarrionandia.
Representation of women in the poetic and narrative work of Joseba Sarrionandia, between 1981 and 2001
This article analyses how women are represented in the poetic and narrative work of Joseba Sarrionandia, focusing the analysis in the period that goes from the publication of his poetry book Izuen gordelekuetan barrena (In the Recesses of Fear) in 1981, to the publication of his novel Lagun izoztua (The Frozen Friend) in 2001. The analysis will deal with the development that the representation of women has undergone in the work of Sarrionandia, concluding that, up to Lagun izoztua, all women characters in his oeuvre correspond to stereotypical representations.
KEY WORDS: Feminist literary criticism · Representation of women · Sarrionandia.