giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Lan honen helburua da Estatuaren eta autonomia-erkidegoen eskumenak aztertzea gizarte-babesaren gaian. Gizarte-babesa oso kontzeptu zabala da, baina oro har esan daiteke herritarren beharrizan eta arriskuei aurre egiteko burutzen direnekintzak direla, elkarte publikoek zein pribatuek burutuak.
GAKO-HITZAK: Gizarte-babesa · Eskumenak · Estatua · Autonomia-erkidegoak.
State and autonomous communities powers in social protection. The aim of this work is to analyze the state and autonomous communities powers in the field of social protection. Social Protection is a broad idea, but in general, the term refers to actions which are carried out to face citizens´ risks and needs. These actions are taken by public and private organizations
KEY WORDS: Social protection · Competences · State · Autonomous comunities.