Uztaro 12 (1994)

Euskararen egoera Arrasaten

Josemari Vélez de Mendizabal Azkarraga
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Egileak bere herrian azkeneko berrogei urteotan euskarak bizi izandako gorabeherak aipatzen ditu hitzaldian. Arrasatek, herri enblematikoa Euskal Herriko mapa geo-sozial-ekonomiko-politikoan, atzerakada izugarria jasan zuen 60.eko hamarkadan euskararen erabilpenari dagokionez: diktaduraren zamak eta inmigrazioaren bultzada kontrolagaitzak euskara ia-ia desagertarazteraino eraman zuten. Baina, herri-ekimenei esker, zuzpertu ahal izan da hein handi batean eta Arrasate berriz ere eredu bilakatu da hainbat euskal herrirentzat, bertan garaturiko esperientzien modeloak leku askotan ezartzen ari direlarik.


The autor mentions in his lecture the ups and downs undergone by the basque language all along these past forty years in his home town. Arrasate, an emblematic village of the geopolitique and socioeconomic map of the Basque Country, gave a huge backward step in the sixties, as far as the usage of basque language is concerned: both the consequences of the dictatorship and the increasing force of immigration led to the almost total extinction of the language. But thanks to the effort made by the people it has revived to a great extent, and Arrasate has become and example for many basque villages, where the experiences developped in the latter, are being largely followed.