giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Arte plastikoak beren sormen-eremuan eta testuzkoa ez den materialtasunez gorpuzten diren neurrian, zalantzan jartzen dugu Arte Ederretako unibertsitate-ikasketen hirugarren zikloak tesi batean amaitu behar izatea. Halere, tesi bat jakintza-arloa aberasteko baliagarria baldin bada, gure dudak eskulturaren diziplinan zentzu honetan oinarritzen dira: tesi-ikerketa arte-praktikaren jakintzarako halabeharrezkoa ote da? Artikulu honetan arte-ikerketari dagokion rola zertan datzan gogoeta egiten da. Horretarako, aintzakotzat hartuko ditugu gaur eguneko arte-hezkuntzaren eta arte-ikerkuntzaren esparruan eztabaidagai diren ikuspegi teoriko eta baliabide metodologiko zenbaiten ekarpenak eta artearen goi-mailako irakaskuntzaren helburuetan dituzten eraginak.
GAKO-HITZAK: Artearen irakaskuntza · Praktika artistikoa · Artearen arloko ikerkuntza akademikoa · Eskultura · Arte Ederren goi-mailako erakundeak · Metodologiak
Conflicts between artistic creation, education and research. Some thoughts from sculpture, rooted in the evolution of the faculties and colleges of fine arts
To the extent that the arts are embodied in the area of creativity and have a differentmateriality to written text, we doubt that the third cycle of Fine Arts have to end with the presentationof a Ph.D. thesis. From the point of view of the whole thesis is a contribution to thearea of knowledge, our doubts from the field of sculpture are based on what kind contributionfrom a thesis reverses in the practical art making. In this article a reflection on the appropriaterole of research in art is proposed. To do this, we will consider the contributions of theoreticalviewpoints and methodological resources about art education and research in art and its impact on the goals of higher education in the visual arts.
KEY WORDS: Teaching art · Artistic practice · Academic (Art discipline) research · Sculpture · Higher institutions of Fine Arts · Methodologies.