giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Biolentzia politikoaren gaia usu tratatu da Euskal Herriko zineman. Egia izanik ere film gehienek ez dutela lortu beste herrialde batzuetan haien parekoek edukitako arrakasta eta errekonozimendua (Irlanda, adibidez), azken urteetan egindako zenbaketen arabera, Franco hil zenez geroztik, berrogeita hamar film luzetik gora ekoitzi dira euskal gatazkaz. Istorio gehienetan, etakideak, poliziak edota haien biktimak agertu dira protagonista gisa. Politikari lokala aldiz, bigarren plano batean azaldu da zenbait kasutan, tramaren sostengu gisa funtzionatuz. Artikulu honetan, 1980ko hamarkadan Hego Euskal Herrian ekoitzitako bost film luzeek Herri Batasuneko kidegoa nola karakterizatu zuten aztertuko dugu. Gure hipotesia zera da: filmek marrazten duten ezker abertzalearen erromantizismotik intolerantziarako bidean, HB elementu negatibo bezala estereotipatu duela zinemak; batzuetan, ETA bera baino gehiago.
Gako-hitzak: Zinemaren historia -- 1980ko hamarkada -- Estereotipazioa -- Herri Batasuna
The representation of Herri Batasuna in 1980s Basque cinema. Patterns for astereotype[Abstract]
Basque Cinema has often dealt with political violence. Despite being true that most of the films have not achieved as much recognition and success as films from other countries (e. g. Ireland) recent figures show us that since Franco´s death, more than fifty films relating to the Basque conflict have been made. Most stories have ETA members, police officers or ETA victims as their protagonists. Local politicians however are usually supporting characters just there to move the plot forward. In this paper, we will analyse how Herri Batasuna (People's Unity) members are characterised in five films produced in the Basque Country during the 1980s. Our hypothesis is that during the social shift from romanticism to intolerance, when dealing with the 'patriotic left', Herri Batasuna has been portrayed as a negative element in these films, even more negative than ETA itself.
Key words: Zinema's history -- 1980s -- Stereotyping -- Herri Batasuna