Uztaro 13 (1995)

Bilakaeraren filosofia. Gilles Deleuze, filosofo nomada

Joseba Felix Tobar Arbulu
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Deleuzeren filosofia, beraren bilakaera bera aipatuz erakutsi da. Horretarako, Guattarirekin izandako lankidetza aztertuz, Negrirengan biok izan duten eragina nabarmendu da.

Dialektikaren aurka, aniztasunen eta bilakaeraren pentsamendua eraiki nahiz aritu da Deleuze. Spinozak praktika eta poztasuna ontologian ezarri nahi ditu eta Deleuzerekin ezartze horrek paradigma hegeldarrekin erabat haustea suposatzen du. Egungo gizartea aztertzearren, ‘ihes-linea’, ‘gutxiengoa’ kontzeptuak proposatu ditu, eta ‘komunikazio’ arloan diruak duen errola analizatu, Bernard Schmitt ekonomilariaren lanak azpimarratuz.

Deleuze pentsalari nomadatzat aurkeztu dugu.


Deleuze\'s philosophy and his own development of becoming a philosopher is explained in this writting. After analyzing his collaboration with Guattari, the influence that both of them have had on Negri\'s work is mentioned.

Against all kinds of dialectic, Deleuze tries to work on a new kind of thought based on difference and multiplicity. Deleuze\'s analysis of Spinoza\'s cultivation of joy and practice at the center of ontology finally results in a complete break from the Hegelian paradigm. In order to analyze present society he creates the concepts of ‘line of flight’ and ‘minorities’; also in dealing with ‘communication’ he have remarked the role of money in communicating, Bernard Schimitt\'s works underlining.

Deleuze is introduced as a nomad thinker.