Uztaro 13 (1995)

Eusko kultur gaiak

Eugenio Arraiza Rodriguez-Monte
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XX. mendearen bukaeran bizi arren, Euskal Herriko kultura zer den galderari zaila izango genuke erantzutea. Filosofatzeko, poetizatzeko edo nonahi eztabaidatzeko, prest gaudela ematen du. Baina datuak biltzeko eta gure kulturaren berri zehatza lortzeko, irakaskuntza sisteman edo komunikabideetan zabaltzeko, bitartekoak antolatzeko, ez gara lan handirik egiten ari. Zerbait egitekotan, bakoitzak bere lerroan egiten du lana, ikuspegi orokorrago batek bere lana baldintzatuko ote lukeen, beldurrean. Bat gatoz gure kulturaren adierazgarri nagusia dela aitortzerakoan. Nagusia bai, baina bakarra? Gure kulturaren beste azalpenetatik isolatua? U.E.U.ko 1994.go Larraonako ikastaroan Eusko Kultur Gaiak izenburupean antolatu ikastaldiaren atarikoak dituzue honako hausnarketa hauek: kultura zer den eta Euskal Herriko kultura gorpuzteko proposatzen diren urratsak.


In spite of living at the end of the XXth century, it is difficult to explain what the Basque culture is. Anyway, it seems that we are ready to philosophize, to poeticise and to discuss anywhere. The fact is that we are not working too hard in collecting data and in getting specific information about our culture in order to expand it through education and communication systems or to organize intermediaries. Everyone works by oneself, been afraid of the posibility that one general view can determine this work. We recognize that this is the most important characteristic of our culture. It really is the most important, but, is it the only one? Is it isolated from other cultural expressions? These matters were discussed during the course of UEU in Larraona, in 1994, under the title of Basque Cultural Items: what is culture, and steps proposed to strengthen the Basque culture.