giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Amaren depresioa prebalentzia handiko gaixotasuna da, zeina geroz eta ohikoagoa den. Amaren nahaste honek seme-alaben garapen osasuntsuari ekar diezaiokeen arriskuaz jabeturik, helburu bikoitza du lan honek: batetik, amaren depresioari buruzko informazio eguneratua eskaintzea eta, bestetik, amak depresioa izateak seme-alaben garapen psikologikoaren etapa bakoitzean duen eragina erakustea. Gaiaren inguruko errebisio sistematikoa PRISMA prozedurarekin burutu da, honako datu-base hauek erabili direlarik: ISI Web of Knowledge, PsycINFO, Psicodoc, Psycarticles, PILOTS, MEDLINE, PubMed, Dialnet, Proquest Research Library eta PLOS. Artikuluen aukeraketarako ama, seme-alabak, depresioa eta eraginak bezalako hitzak erabili dira, bai ingelesez baita gaztelaniaz ere. Lan honi itxiera emateko, amaren depresioa pairatzen duten haur eta nerabeen garapen psikologiko osasuntsua sustatzeko baliabideak proposatzen dira.
Gako-hitzak: Depresioa -- Ama -- Seme-alabak -- Arriskuak -- Garapen psikologikoa
Mother’s depression influence on the psychological development of children[Abstract]
Maternal depression is a prevalent disease, which is becoming more and more common. Knowing the dangers that mother’s disorder can bring to the healthy development of her children, we followed two goals with this paper: to provide up-to-date information on mother’s depression and, on the other hand, to show how mother´s depression may impact on every stage of the psychological development of children. A systematic review has been carried out using the PRISMA procedure, which has been used based on the following databases: ISI Web of Knowledge, PsycINFO, Psicodoc, Psycarticles, PILOTS, MEDLINE, PubMed, Dialnet, Proquest Research Library and PLOS. For the selection criteria of articles terms like mother, child, depression, and influence has been used both in English and in Spanish. In the last part of this paper resources to promote a healthy psychological development of children and adolescents suffering from maternal depression are proposed.
Key words: Depression -- Mother -- Children -- Risks -- Psychological development