Uztaro 106 (2018)

Nahi baina ezin edo euskal zuzenbide zibilari Estatuko Prozedura Legea aplikatzeko betebeharraz eta horren ondorioez


Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoak bere zuzenbide pribatu propioa iraunarazi, aldarazi eta garatzeko eskumenaren egikaritzan, duela gutxi, Eusko Legebiltzarrak Euskal Zuzenbide Zibilari buruzko 5/2015 Legea, ekainaren 25koa, eman du. Lege horrek jasotzen dituen erakundeen inguruan gatazkarik gertatuz gero, Estatuko Prozedura Zibileko Legea aplikatu behar da. Bi horiek uztartzean arazoak sortzen dira, batez ere, Euskadikoak propioak diren erakundeen inguruan. Horiei aurre egiteko, euskal legelariak zenbait arau jurisdikzional sortu baditu ere, arau orokor moduan, Estatuko araudi jurisdikzionala aplikatu behar da.

Gako-hitzak: Euskal Zuzenbide Zibilari buruzko 5/2015 Legea -- Arau jurisdikzionalak -- Arazoak -- Konponbideak


Wanting and not being able to or on the obligation to apply Procedure Law of the State to the Basque civil law and its consequences


Exercising the competence of the Basque Autonomous Community to preserve, modify and develop its own civil law, recently, the Parliament of Gasteiz has granted 5/2015, act of June 25, on Basque Civil Law. If appear legal conflicts in relation to the institutions included in this act, the Civil Procedure Act of the State must be applied. However, when both acts are applied together, problems arise, especially in relation to Basque civil own institutions. Although, to overcome them, Basque legislator has created some jurisdictional norms, as a general rule state jurisdictional regulation must be applied.

Key words: 5/2015, act of June 25, on Basque Civil Law -- Jurisdictional regulation -- Problems -- Solutions