giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Zesarren De bello gallico idazlanak K.a. 58tik 50era arteko Galietako guda kontatzen du zazpi liburutan. VI. liburuan digresio bat egiten da Galia eta Germaniako ohiturak ezagutarazteko (VI, 11-28). Galiako gizartea azaltzerakoan druidak aipatzen dira. Jatorrizko latinezko testua gaika banatu dugu eta euskal itzulpena eman ondoren, testuak dioenari azalpenak egingo dizkiogu. Eranskin gisa druidei buruzko beste testu klasiko batzuez gain, Robert Graves-en Claudio el dios y su esposa Mesalina liburutik druidei buruzko zati baten itzulpena eta Jon Miranderen idazlan hautatuak liburutik beste pasarte batzuk eskaintzen ditugu.
Caesar’s literary work De bello gallico has been divided into seven books, which tell the wartime in Gaul between 58 and 50 b.C.. To understand and get to know the customs of the ancient Galic and German civilizations a degression has been made in the VI book (VI, 11-28). At the same time the Galic society is being explained, a unique figure, the druid, can be aknowledged. We have divided the original latin text into different subjects. Once it has been translated into Basque we will add some explanations about what the text says. As a brief appendix some classical texts about the above mentioned figures have also been displayed. In the same way, we have added a translation about the same theme from Robert Graves’ book Claudius the god and his wife Mesaline together with some other selected texts of Jon Miranderen idazlan hautatuak.