giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Gipuzkoako Foru-Zuzenbidearen arlo pribatua bizirik iritsi zaigula aitortu da, ez doktrinaren analisian bakarrik, jurisprudentzian eta, azkenik, lege bidez aitortu ere. Gipuzkoako Zuzenbide zibilak historian zehar jasan duen bilakaerari begirada bat eman ondoren, arlo horretako legeria garatzeko egun dagoen aukera aurkezten da; erronkari muzin egin gabe, etorkizuneko euskal zuzenbide zibilaren oinarriak ezartzen hasteko une historikoari erantzun behar zaio.
It has been recognized that the Local Law Code of Gipuzkoa has reached the private field alive, not only in the analysis of the doctrine, but also in jurisprudence; it has even been recognized by Law. After having a look to the evolution of the Civil Law of Gipuzkoa in history, the actual chance for developing this field of legislation is presented in this paper. Without showing cowardice, the bases for the Basque Civil Law of the future must been established.