Uztaro 14 (1995)

Jenero kontzeptuaren inguruko hausnarketak

Mila Amurrio Velez
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Azken hamar urte hauetan, jenero hitza gero eta erabiliagoa izan da literatura soziologikoan. Hasieran, soziologian eta askoz lehenago beste jakintza-arlo batzuetan, esaterako antropologian, jeneroa ‘emakume’ kategoria ordezkatzera zetorren aldaketa teoriko handirik sortu gabe. Lehen, Emakumeen Ikerketak (Women’s studies) izendapenarekin ezagutzen genuen sexu-ezberdintasun soziala-z arduratzen zen arlo teorikoa; egun jenero edota Jenero Soziologia-z ari gara gauza bera adierazteko, nahiz eta aurreko izendapena erabat bazterturik ez geratu. Baina hori bai, desberdintasunari buruzko arlo teoriko hau soziologian nagusi izan diren esparru teorikoetatik ondo bereiztua eta aldendua dago, jenero eta lan-banaketa sexuala bezalako kontzeptuek gizarte-egituraren arloarekin zerikusirik ez balute bezala.


For the last years, the word gender has been more and more used in sociological literature. Formerly in other fields of knowledge, such as anthropology, and then in sociology, gender has come to substitute the woman category without producing any important theoretical change. Before now, the theoretical field on social sexual inequality was known as Women’s studies; today, we refer to it as gender or Gender Sociology, even if the first designation has not been put away completely. Anyway, this theoretical field on inequality is very well separated and moved away from the most important theoretical fields in sociology, as if the concepts like gender and sexual work division had no relation with socialstructure’s field.