Uztaro 14 (1995)

Mugimendu sozialak eta demokrazia Euskal Herrian: intsumisioa eta ekologismoa


Euskal Herriko mugimendu sozialek, ekologista eta antimilitarista adibide, demokratizaziorako joera bultzatu dute beren argudio zein ekintzen bitartez. Laurogeita hamarreko hamarkadaren azken urteotan, besteak beste, oraindik amaitzeke dagoen gatazka nazionalaren eraginez, Euskadiko aukera politikorako egiturak hertsirik dirau. Hala izanik ere, mugimendu ekologistaren zenbait eskakizunek instituzioen demokratizazioa bultzatu dute.

Prozedura mailan ez ezik, gizarte arloan ere balio demokratikoak indartu dituztela dudarik ez dago; malgutasuna eta tolerantzia, bereziki. Azkenik, intsumituen mugimenduak, edukien inguruko eskakizunak plazaratuz, instituzioen jarrera itsuari kontra egin dio, gizartearen gehiengoak onartzen ez duen derrigorrezko soldadutzaren inposaketak dakarren demokraziaren ukatzea salatuz.


We state, as our main point, that the Basque social movements –ecological and total resistance to military service– with their arguments and movilizations, have assisted various democratizing processes.

Effectively, at the end of the eighties, due to the violent national conflict which the Basque Country endures amongst other factors, the political opportunity structure in that community was closed. However, the ecological movement, in particular through certain demands, has managed to improve, not only the institutional democracy in some of its procedural aspects, but also to reinforce specific democratic values –tolerance and flexibity– in public debate...

Finally, the military service resistance movement has concentrated its democratizing strategy on aspects of content, pointing out the huge differences that exist between the Establishment and public opinion on the issue of military service, and denouncing the lack of democracy represented by the continued use of conscription against the consistent majority opinion of society.