Uztaro 109 (2019)

DBHko ikasleen iritzi-testuetako gaitasun diskurtsiboak langai


Egungo irakaskuntza-sistemak, elebidun orekatuak bermatzeko, ikasleen komunikazio-gaitasuna erdietsi behar du. Helburua asebetetzeko, material didaktikoa helburu horretara egokitzeaz gain, ikasgelako egiteko moduetan aldaketak behar dira. Horrek irakasleari bi erronka, bederen, planteatzen dizkio: batetik, ikasleen zailtasun diskurtsiboak identifikatzea, eta bestetik, i(ra)kas-prozesua zailtasun horiek gainditzera bideratzea.

Artikulu honetan, argudio-testua langai izan duen sekuentzia didaktiko baten emaitzak aurkezten dira; zehazki, Genevako Unibertsitateko Hizkuntzen Didaktikako taldeak eraikitako sekuentzia didaktikoaren metodologia erabiliz.

Argudioaren alderdi irakasgarriak identifikatzeko, Lekaroz-Elizondo ikastetxeko DBHko 4. mailan jasotako iritzi-testuak aztertu dira; lehenbizi, argudio-testuen berezko ezaugarri diskurtsiboak bildu dira, eta ondoren, ikasleen aurretestuetako oztopo nagusiak identifikatu, irakas-objektuak zedarritu eta, horiek gelaratzeko moduluen zer-nolakoak zehaztearekin batera, ondo-testuen izenburuetan eta sarreretan azaleratu diren garapen-aztarnak aurkeztu dira.

Gako-hitzak: Hizkuntzaren didaktika -- Bigarren Hezkuntza -- Argudio-testu -- Iritzi-testu -- Aurretestu -- Ondo-testu


Discursive features inherent to the literary texts of ESO students


In order to guarantee balanced bilingual speakers, the present education system should also contemplate the student’s communicative capacity. To do this, teaching and learning methods should focus on the use of texts. This model demands a profound change in classroom methods that goes beyond the design of teaching materials. This poses at least two challenges for the teacher: on the one hand, to identify the discursive difficulties of the students, and on the other, to resolve the difficulties of how this might be taught.In this article, we analyze the results of putting in practice a didactic sequence focused on the argumentative text. For that purpose, we followed the methodology developed by the team of Language Didactics of the University of Geneva.In order to identify the instructive aspects of an argument, we have analyzed some argumentative texts of the 4th ESO students at the Lekaroz-Elizondo school. Firstly, we gathered the discursive and linguistic features inherent to the argumentative texts. Subsequently we identified the main obstacles to the pre-texts of the students, limited the teaching objectives and once their elaborations were carried out, traces of development emerged from the post-texts headings and introductions were identified.

Key words: Language didactics -- Primary school education -- Argumentative text -- Oppinion text -- Pre-text -- Post-text