giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Egungo testuinguruaren aldaketa sozialek belaunaldien arteko erlazioen distantzia areagotzen dute. Hori dela-eta, berebiziko garrantzia hartzen du belaunaldi desberdinen arteko erlazioak bultzatzeko espazioen sorkuntzak. Hainbat autoreren hitzetan hezkuntza formaleko eremua izan daiteke belaunaldi desberdinen arteko erlazioa sortzeko esparrua. Belaunaldi arteko esperientzien gaineko ikerketek azken urteetan gorakada nabaria jaso duten arren, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan gai horri buruzko hutsunea antzematen da. Horrenbestez, ikerketa honetan Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan belaunaldi arteko esperientziek hezkuntza formalean duten presentzia eta xedeak aztertu dira metodo kualitatiboak eta kuantitatiboak erabiliz. Emaitzen arabera, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan hezkuntza formalaren esparruan belaunaldi arteko esperientziak aurrera daramatzaten ikastetxeen kopurua % 4,96 da. Horrela, belaunaldi arteko esperientziak aurrera daramatzaten profesionalen ustez, ezinbestekoa da esperientzia hauek sustatzea gizartearen kohesioa ahalbidetzeko.
Gako-hitzak: Hezkuntza -- Ikasleria -- Adinduak -- Eskola-giroa -- Belaunaldi arteko harremanak
School-based intergenerational experience: from the theory to the practice[Abstract]
In the current society the social changes are increasing the distance of the relationships between the generations. Therefore, the creation of the spaces to rise the relationships among the different generations gets the extraordinary importance. As different authors have said, the school- based intergenerational experiences the way to linking generations. Even tough, the research about intergenerational experiences have been increased in the last years, in the context of the Basque Country is a lack of knowledge about. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the intergenerational experience in the formal education in the context of the Basque Country and analyse the aim of the experience. The studied have been examined using the qualitative and quantitative methods. The results say, the school- based intergenerational experience have low in the Basque Country presence (4,96%). As well, in the voices of the professionals that work in intergenerational experiences is indispensable to promote these experiences for the cohesion of the society.
Key words: Education -- Students -- Elderly -- School environment -- Relationships between generations