Uztaro 113 (2020)

Adin erlatiboaren efektua eskola-garaian


Ikaskuntza-arazoak direla-eta, kontsulta psikologikora jotzen duten haurren artean, urte-amaieran jaiotako ikasleen eskaera handiagoa detektatu dute zenbait autorek. Adin erlatiboaren efektua (RAE), adin bereko talde bat osatzen duten subjektuen arteko adin kronologiko desberdintasunak eragiten dituen desberdintasunen multzoa da. Berrikuspen honen helburua RAEak eremu akademikoan duen inpaktua aztertzea da. Aztertutako lanen % 72k RAEak eremu akademikoan duen inpaktuaren aldeko ebidentzia aurkitu dute. RAEaren funtzionamendu hipotetikoa azaltzeko asmotan «eredu» bat proposatzen da, non RAEaren hasieran, mantentzean eta ondorioetan inplikatuta egon daitezkeen aldagaien dinamikak azaltzen diren. Era berean, RAEaren inpaktuaren iragankortasuna aztertzen da.

Gako-hitzak: Adin erlatiboaren efektua -- Eremu akademikoa -- Jaiotzehilabetea -- Ikasitako babesgabetasuna


Relative age effect in school-years


Several researchers suggest that there is a mayor demand of children attending to psychological consultation for learning difficulties, in children being born at the end of the year. Differences on chronological age within a peer/age group are known as Relative Age and its consequences as Relative Age Effect (RAE). The aim of this review is to analyse RAE´s impact in the academic area. 72% of the revised papers found evidence to support the impact of RAE in the academic area. In order to explain the hypothetical functioning of RAE, a «Model» has been suggested, which aims to explain the dynamics of the variables implied in the initiation, maintenance and in the consequences of RAE. Furthermore, the evolution and the extent of the impact of RAE is analysed.

Key words: Relative age effect -- Academic -- Season-of-birth -- Learned helplessness