giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Mike Leigh zinegileak aktoreekin egindako sormen-lanean oinarritzen den zinegintza-metodoa garatu zuen, bere filmetan giza presentzia sinesgarriak pantailaratzeko helburuarekin. Metodo horren bitartez, Leighek gidoi-sorkuntza eta aktoreen zuzendaritza uztartzen ditu entseguetan, eta metodo hori ikusentzunezko ikasketetan landuz gero «pantailarako aktoreen zuzendaritza» ikasteko helburuarekin, zuzendari-ikaslea lehenengo momentutik aktoreak zuzentzera derrigortuta egongo litzateke, eta, ondorioz, ikasketa zine-sorkuntza prozesu guztian zehar gertatuko litzateke.
Gako-hitzak: Mike Leigh -- Ikus-entzunezko ikasketak -- Aktoreen zuzendaritza -- Aktoreen sinesgarritasuna -- Zinema
Mike Leigh: the relevance of his particular filmmaking method in order to learn how to direct the actors[Abstract]
The filmmaker Mike Leigh developed his own film creation method based on a creative work with the actors, in order to put on the screen those believable human presences that he aimed for his films. What Leigh eventually does is to combine the writing process and the acting direction process in the rehearsals, and if this method was used in order to learn «acting direction for the screen», the student-director would be compelled to direct the actors since the very beginning and consequently, the learning would happen during the entire filmmaking process.
Key words: Mike Leigh -- Audio-Visual studies -- Acting direction -- Believable acting -- Cinema