giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Lan honetan Erdi Aroko euskal emakumeek lan-munduan izandako paperak aztertzen dira, era bateko edo besteko iturri dokumentalak oinarri hartuta: udalordenantza bildumak, kontabilitate-dokumentuak, testamentuak... Oso bestelako emakumeek gauzatu zituzten askotariko zereginen zerrenda agertzen da horietan. Alde batetik, etxearekin lotutako betebeharrak islatzen dira, etxeko lanak eta familianegozio mota askotan izan zuten parte-hartzea. Bestetik, nekazaritza-esparruko jarduera espezifikoen berri ematen da. Azkenik, hirietan loratzen ari zen ekonomiaren testuinguruan sortu zen ofizio sorta zabala islatzen da. Horrekin denarekin, funtsean, garaiko emakumeen ekarpen laboralaren irakurketa global bat egiten da ondoko orrialdeetan.
Gako-hitzak: Emakumeen Historia -- Erdi Aroa -- Lana -- Lan-mundua
Women’s work in the Late Middle Ages[Abstract]
This paper analyses the position and role of Basque women in the labour market during the Late Middle Ages, making use of different types of documentary sources: municipal ordinances, accounting documentation, wills... In all of them appears a long list of occupations and it is reflected that they were carried out in very diverse ways and by very diverse women. On the one hand, the house-related chores are visualized: domestic work and participation in different types of family businesses. On the other hand, the specific activities carried out in rural areas. And finally, the various trades that emerged in the context of the villain economy are also patent. With all this, basically, a global interpretation of the essential labour contribution of the women of the time is carried out.
Key words: Women’s History -- Middle Ages -- Work -- Labour Market