Uztaro 114 (2020)

iRAKER: UPV/EHUko irakasleen gaitasun akademikoa garatzeko programa. Lehen deialdiaren inpaktuaren balorazioa


Ikerketa kualitatibo honetan iRAKERek, UPV/EHUko irakasleen gaitasun akademikoa garatzeko programak, bertan parte hartutako irakasleen irakaskuntza-, ikerkuntza- eta kudeaketa-gaitasunean izan duen inpaktua aztertu da. iRAKERen lehen deialdian parte hartutako irakasleen esperientzia sakonean ezagutu nahi zela kontuan izanik, kasu-azterketa bat gauzatu da. Horretarako, datuak biltzeko estrategia nagusia sakoneko elkarrizketa izan da, bertatik eratorritako datuak galdetegietatik eta dokumentuen analisi hermeneutikotik eskuratutakoekin triangelatu badira ere. Horrela, irakasleen motibazioak, eskuratu dituzten gaitasunak eta horiengan izandako eraldaketak ezagutu ahal izan dira. Ondoriotzat esan liteke programa honek bertan parte hartutako irakasleen ikerkuntza- eta kudeaketa-gaitasunean eragina izan duela, baina batez ere haien irakaskuntza-gaitasunean.

Gako-hitzak: Goi-mailako hezkuntza -- Irakasle hasiberriak -- Mentoretza -- Kasu-azterketa -- Garapen akademikoa


iRAKER: Programme for the development of the academic competence of UPV/EHU teaching staff. Assessment of the impact of the first call


The aim of this qualitative research is to investigate the impact of iRAKER, a program intended to develop the academic abilities of UPV/EHU teachers, in the teaching, managing and investigating abilities of those who have taken part on it. In order to do that, a case study was carried out, as we wanted to deeply research the case of the teachers who have taken part in the first call organised by iRAKER. In that case study, conversations were used in order to collect data. The data collected in those conversations has been completed by triangulation, by means of hermeneutic analysis of questionnaires and documents. In this way, it has been possible to know the motivations of the teachers, the acquired competencies and the changes that have taken place in them. Finally, as a conclusion, it could be said that this program has impacted on management and investigation abilities of those teachers who took part on it. But mostly, it impacted on their teaching abilities.

Key words: Higher Education -- Beginning Teachers -- Mentoring -- Case Study -- Academic Development