giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Gipuzkoako enpresa ezagun batean, beharbada lan-harremanen bira nabarmena ekarriko duen esperientzia berri bati ekin diote, langileak enpresaren kapitalean parte hartzea errazteari, hain zuzen ere. Aipatutako ekitatea aintzakotzat harturik, langileen partehartzearen fenomenoa aztertzen da, bai Espainiako legeriaren aldetik, bai Zuzenbide Komunitarioaren ikuspegitik.
Lan-harremanen eredu berri bat eratzen ari den susmoa izanik, eta esperientzia honek historia egin dezakeelakoan, orain fruituak zeintzuk izango diren zain gelditzea besterik ez zaigu geratzen.
It is already well-known the new experience carried out by an undertaking located in Gipuzkoa consisted of letting the workers take part in its capital, which may change the relations in the Labour Law. Through the essay, taking into account the mentioned experience, we shall analyse the phenomenom of the go-called “participation of workers”, not only from a Spanish point of view, but also from the European Law\'s outlook.
Conflict has always been considered as a characteristic of the Labour Law, but with such kind of experiences, it seems doubtless that a new frame of Labour Relations is being made on. Altough we still do not know the results of this fact, we are positively hopeful about them.