giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Artikulu honek ohar bat du abiapuntutzat, hots, mobilizazioaren teoria “klasikoak” ez direla fenomenoa bere osotasunean jorratzeko gai, maiz ikuspegi partziala, aldebatekoa zein unidimentsionala baitu. Hori dela eta, gure nahia mobilizazioaren teoria berri baten osatzea da, zirriborro-mailan gelditu arren. Izan ere, teoria hau, teoria klasikoen filiazioan eta hausturan inskribatzen da, batetik, teoria horien kritikak oinarrituak baitira, eta bestetik, paradigma berri baterantz baitoa.
Mobilizazioa bere osotasunean hartuz, perspektiba “multi-dimentsional” baten bidez jorratzen ahalegintzen da artikulua, maila mikro eta makrosoziologikoak integratuz, eta bereziki haien harremanak pentsatuz. Halaber, metodologia konprentsiboan oinarrituz funtsean, errealitatearen ikuspegi dinamikoari ekiten dio, determinanteak gabe prozesuak hobetsiz eta analisia ardatz longitudinal batean ezarriz.
This article starts with a remark, which is that classical theories about mobilization are not able to analyse the phenomenon in his totality, having often a partial, unilateral and unidimensional vision. Because of that, it is time to constitute a new theory about mobilization, in spite of staying at an outline level. Indeed, this theory keeps with the filiation and rupture of classical theories; on the one hand, because its critiques are well-founded, and on the other hand, because we approach to a new paradigm.
The article tries to analyse mobilization by a “multidimensional” perspective, taking it in his totality, integrating the micro and macro-sociological levels, and specially, thinking of their relationship. In the same way, based essentially in a comprehensive methodology, it insists on the dynamic vision of the reality, prefering processes to determinant and putting the analysis on a longitudinal axis.