Uztaro 115 (2020)

«Geroztik, gudan gera»: gerra luzea Francoren diktaduraren prozesu eratzaile gisa (1936-1948)

Josu Santamarina Otaola
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1936ko uztailean militarren estatu-kolpetik aurrera hasi zena «Gerra Zibila» gisa ulertzea molde narratibo batzuen ondorioz indarrean dagoen konbentzioa da. Horren aurrean, hainbat ikusmolde historiografikok gerra kontatzeko marko tradizionalak zalantzan jartzen dituzte, besteak beste, Espainiakoa «Europako Gerra Zibila»ren parte gisa ulertzen dutenak, 1940ko hamarkadako borrokaldiak «gerra zibil irregular» bezala ikusten dituztenak, baita gerra eta errepresioaren logika bateratuak azpimarratzen dituztenak ere. 1936tik 1948rako prozesu historikoa gerra luze gisa ezaugarritu behar da, gerrak errepresiorako —politizidiorako— markorik aproposena ezarri zuela azalduz. Azkenik, gerra/errepresioa bera ere «teknologia» gisa ikustea proposatuko da, prozesu politiko horren dispositiboak berrikusteko eta azalpen historiko baten parte izateko.

Gako-hitzak: Gerra luzea -- Frankismoa -- Estatu berria -- Errepresioa -- Okupazioa


«Aftermath, we are at war»: Long war as Franco’s dictatorship state building process (1936-1948)


The understanding of the process initiated after the coup d’état of July 1936 as a «Civil War» responds to a convention resulting from some narrative molds. Against this, several historiographical works cast doubt on the traditional narrative frameworks about the war. Such as, among others, the one that defends that Spanish Civil War should be understood as part of a «European Civil War», the other one that shows the existence of an «irregular civil war» in the decade of 1940’s and also those that show the existence of unified strong logics between war and repression. The historical process developed between 1936 and 1948 must be characterized as a long war, bearing in mind that the war was the propitious framework for a continuous repression with tints of politicide. Finally, this article also will propose the understanding of war / repression as a «technology», taking into account different devices typical of this political process.

Key words: Long War -- Francoism -- New State -- Repression -- Occupation