Uztaro 116 (2021)

Denak ez du balio nazioarteko inbertsio-gatazkak ebazteko orduan edo giza eskubideen babesa inbertsio-arbitrajean


Inbertsio-arbitrajearen erabilera nabarmenki areagotu da azken hamarkadetan gatazkak ebazteko tresna egokia delako ustean. Testuinguru horretan, ez bakarrik mundu akademikoan baita praktikoan ere, gatazkak konpontzeko prozesu horrek hirugarrenen giza eskubideengan sor ditzakeen kalteak eta eraginak mahai gainean jartzen hasi dira. Hortik abiatuta, lan honek inbertsio-arbitrajean giza eskubideen bermea aztertzea du xede. Lehenik eta behin, Nazioarteko Inbertsio Zuzenbidea eta, zehazki, inbertsio-tratatuak aztertuko ditugu, inbertitzaileen babes-arauei arreta berezia jarriz. Ondoren, giza eskubideen eraentza orokorra azalduko dugu. Behin aztergai ditugun bi munduak aurkeztuta, haien arteko harremana erakutsi ahalko dugu, hau da, Giza Eskubideen Zuzenbidea arbitraje-prozesuan aplikatzen den eta, hala denean, nola. Halaber, arbitroek hartzen dituzten erabakien norabidea zein den ikusiko dugu. Amaitzeko, giza eskubideen bermea lege data ezbaian jartzen duten faktoreak jorratu eta horietan oinarriturik haien bermea handitzeko lege ferenda neurriak proposatuko ditugu.

Gako-hitzak: Inbertsio-arbitrajea -- Inbertsio-tratatuak -- Gatazka juridikoa -- Giza eskubideak -- CIADI


Are human rights protected in investment arbitration?


In the last decades, the use of investment arbitration has increased significantly as an ideal instrument for the resolution of legal disputes. In this context, not only in the academic world, but also in the practical one, it has begun to discuss the adverse impact that this process of dispute settlement can generate on the promotion and protection on human rights. That said, the aim of this work is to analyze the guarantee of human rights in investment arbitration. To investigate that complex collision, firstly, we will examine the International Investment Law and specifically the investment treaties. Secondly, we will analyze and describe the main characteristics of Human Rights Law. Once we have described the two worlds that are the starting point of our work, we will study what is the relationship between them. Moreover, we will examine the decisions of the arbitrators. To conclude, we will analyze lege data and the factors that affect the guarantee of human rights and, based on them, we will propose measures, lege ferenda, to increase the promotion and protection of them in investment arbitration disputes.

Key words: Investment arbitration -- Investment treaties -- Legal dispute -- Human rights -- ICSID