Uztaro 116 (2021)

Sortzaile kulturalak eragile sozialak al dira? Errepertorio kulturalak: espazio, audientzia eta estetika berriak


Ikerketa hau Psikologia Sozialaren jakintza-esparruan kokatzen da, zehazki Psikologia Politikoaren eta Psikologia Komunitarioaren esparruan. Izan ere, sormen kulturala adierazpen politiko gisa landu da bertan. Herrigintza, identitate kolektibo zein indibidualak eta horiek komunitatearekiko duten harremana adierazteko errepertorio politiko dira. Adierazpen horiek sortzen ari diren mugimendu sozial berrien ezaugarriak dira. Euskal Herrian euskalgintzan eta kulturgintzan dabiltzan sormen-diziplina ezberdinetako 13 sortzaile kulturalen eztabaida-prozesu baten bidez, aztertu da haien sormen-lanetan aldarrikatzen diren gaiak, horretarako erabiltzen dituzten errepertorioak eta zein audientziatara zuzentzen diren. Horrela, mikropolitikaren balioa eta aspektu emozionalen estrategiak ikusi dira, zeinak Psikologia Politikoaren ikuspegitik, politikotasunaren definizio berriak izatera irits daitezkeen. Eztabaida-markoan, batik bat, diskurtso kontrahegemonikoak, identitate indibidual zein kolektiboak, hartu-emaneko espazioak eta estrategia estetikopolitikoak identifikatu dira; definizio berri horiekin bat etortzen direnak.

Gako-hitzak: Artefaktu kulturalak -- Adierazpen politikoa -- Estetika berriak -- Herrigintza


Are cultural creators social promoters? Cultural repertoires: new spaces, audiences and aesthetics


This investigation is set in the field of knowledge of Social Psychology, more precisely in the field of Political Psychology and Community Psychology. It analyzes cultural creation as a political expression—as political repertoires for expressing national construction and collective and individual identities, and the relationship they establish with the community, being those expressions characteristic of the emerging new social movements. Through a discussion process amongst thirteen cultural creators of different disciplines, all involved in social movements in favor of the language and the culture in the Basque Country, the paper analyzes the topics expressed in their works, the repertoires used for that task and their objective audiences. All this has been done looking at the value of micro-politics and strategies of emotional aspects, which can all become new definitions of the political, from a point of view of Political Psychology. The elements identified in the discussion process are, most of all, counterhegemonic discourses, individual and collective identities, sharing spaces, and aesthetic and political strategies. All elements agree on those new definitions.

Key words: Cultural artefacts -- Political expression -- New aesthetics -- National construction