giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Herritartasuna, izatez, kontzeptu aldakor eta eztabaidatua da. Hego Euskal Herriko gizarte-mugimenduek herritartasunaz garatzen duten diskurtsoa aztertzea da artikulu honen helburua. Ikuspegi kualitatibo batetik, feminismoan, euskalgintzan, migrazioen mugimenduan edota sozioekologian aritzen diren kideen iritziak aztertuz, mahaigaineratzen den ondorio nagusia da gizarte-mugimenduek herritartasun subjektiboa eta kolektiboa lehenesten dutela. Euskal Herriaren kasuan, afera horri herritartasunaren eta naziotasunaren arteko hartu-eman konplexua ere gehitzen zaio: Estatu-mailako euskal herritartasun objektibo ofizialik ez da existitzen, eta horrek herritartasunari buruzko eztabaida areagotzen du.
Gako-hitzak: Herritartasuna -- Gizarte-mugimenduak -- Naziotasuna -- Euskal Herria
Analysing citizenship: what do the social movements in the Southern Basque Country say?[Abstract]
Citizenship is a changing and controversial concept. The aim of this article is to analyze the discourse of social movements in the Southern Basque Country on citizenship. From a qualitative point of view and after analyzing the opinions of members involved in feminism, in Basque language normalization movements, in migration movements and socio-ecology, the main conclusion is that social movements prioritize subjective and collective citizenship. In the case of the Basque Country, this issue is also joined by the complex relationship between citizenship and nationality: there is no official objective Basque citizenship at the state level, which intensifies the debate on citizenship.
Key words: Citizenship -- Social movements -- Nationality -- Basque Country