giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Ingurune urruti zein hurbilean gertatzen ari diren aldaketa sozioekonomiko nahiz kulturalek eragin zuzena dute gure hizkuntza- eta kultura-identitatean. MU-HUHEZIra datozen ikasle etorri berrien euskararen erabilerari eta euskal kulturaren pertzepzioari jarri diegu arreta, ikasle berrien profil horietan sumatzen diren aldaketen arrazoiak identifikatzeko. Helburu horrekin diseinatu zen lau urteko proiektuan, ikasleek EOSKOLA liburua irakurri behar izan zuten 2017-2018 ikasturtean; ondoren, elkarrizketa bat izan zuten egilearekin, eta, azkenik, galdetegi bati erantzun behar izan zioten. Egindako lanketatik ateratako emaitzek adierazi digute ikasleen hizkuntza-erabilera zein kultura-pertzepzioa askotarikoak direla, eta horri erantzuteko hizkuntza-konpetentziaren zein curriculumaren berrikuspena egitea —euskal dimentsioari arreta gehiago jarriz— beharrezkoa dela.
Gako-hitzak: Ikasleak -- Euskara eta erabilera -- Euskal identitatea -- Kultura-identitatea -- Euskal dimentsioa
Barriers and aids for physical activity practice for people with disabilities[Abstract]
Linguistic and Cultural Identity of the primary education degree students from HUHEZI (MU) Socioeconomic and cultural changes taking place in the far and near environments have a direct impact on our language and cultural identity. We focused on the use of the Basque language by the new students at MU-HUHEZI, and on their perception of Basque culture, in order to identify the reasons for changes observed in the profiles of these new students. In a four-year project designed for this purpose, the students first read the book EOSKOLA during the 2017-2018 academic year. They then had an interview with the author and completed a questionnaire. The results indicate that the students’ language use and cultural perceptions are diverse, and that in order to address this, it is necessary to review both language competence and the curriculum, with greater attention to the Basque dimension.
Key words: DisaStudents -- Basque language and its use -- Identity -- Basque identity -- Culture -- Cultural identity -- Basque dimension