giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Libiok (AVC 10. 28.8-12) Zesarren lanetik (BG 4. 33.1-34.1) hartu duen pasarte bat aztertzen da artikulu honetan imitazio legez: Zesarrek britaniar gisa aipatzen duen gerra taktika bat, orgetako borroka alegia, Sentinoko gudaldian txertatu du Libiok. Narrazio historikoa ulertzeko bi era erakutsi nahi dira konparaketa honen bitartez, imitazioak literatura erromatarrean duen garrantzia eta eginkizuna nabarmenduz. Ihardunbide dinamiko eta esanguratsu bezala azaltzen da imitazioa, bi testuren arteko erlazio eraldatzaile legez (testuartekotasun prozesua). Bide batez, Antzinateko historiografiak egungoaren aldean dituen ezaugarri berezi batzuk erakusten dira.
The article analyses a passage taken by Livy (AVC 10. 28.8-12) from Caesar’s work (BG 4. 33.1-34.1) by imitating: the chariot war, a war tactic mentioned by Caesar as Briton, is vaccinated in the War of Sentinum by Livy. By this comparison, the analysis pretends to show us two types of comprehension of the historical narration, standing out the importance and the task imitation has within the Roman literature. Imitation is presented as a dynamic and important procedure, capable to change the relation between both texts (inter text procedure). At the same time, the article displays some characteristics the ancient historiography has in comparison with the actual.