giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Aldaketa-prozesuak protesta-mugimenduen ekintza kolektiboari lotuta agertu ohi dira. Gure aztergaiari dagokionez, 1990eko hamarkadaren bigarren erdialdean euskal protesta-zikloaren areagotze nabarmena gertatu zen, autoritateen eta lehiatzaileen arteko ekintza kolektiboa zabalduz. Artikulu honen helburua da areagotze horretan parte hartu zuten gertakariak eta haien ondorioak azaltzea. Horretarako, gatazka konplexuen ikerketetan Doug McAdamek, Sidney Tarrowek eta Charles Tillyk baliatutako mekanismo eta prozesuak erabiliko ditugu. Zentzu horretan, liskarraldi mota ezberdinetan parte hartzen duten bitarteko horiek Lizarra-Garaziko Akordioak ezaugarritu zuen epealdian (1995-2000) ere funtsezko papera jokatu zutela ikusi ahal izango dugu; bai ekintza kolektiboaren garapenean, bai politika instituzionaletan emandako aldaketetan. Aldaketa horiek, ordea, mugatuak izan ziren, eta inplikatutako eragileek eraldaketa-prozesuak ulertzeko baliatu zituzten paradigma ezberdinetan aurki dezakegu haien ezintasun nagusietako bat.
Gako-hitzak: Politika liskartsua -- Demokratizazioa -- Burujabetza -- Protestazikloa
Collective action in the basque protest cycle: An analysis of the «Lizarra- Garazi» case (1995-2000)[Abstract]
Processes of change usually appear to be linked with the development of collective action in protest movements. As far as our object of study is concerned, the Basque protest cycle heightened considerably in the second half of the 1990s, with collective action spreading among the authorities and parties to the conflict. The aim of this article is to explain the events that were involved in such a spread and their consequences. To this end, we will use the mechanisms and processes employed by Doug McAdam, Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly in the study of complex conflicts. In this regard, we will see how such resources involved in different types of conflicts played a crucial role in the phase characterised by the Lizarra-Garazi Agreement (1995-2000), both in the development of collective action and the changes wrought to institutional policies. However, the changes brought about were limited. The different paradigms used to understand the processes of transformation by the stakeholders involved would constitute one of the primary causes for this.
Key words: Contentious politics -- Democratization -- Sovereignity -- Protest cycle