giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Artikulu honen helburua da gogoeta demokratiko eta ireki batetik emakumearen egoera aztertzea Marokoko Familia Kodearen erreformaren aurrean. Kontuan izan behar da, praktikan, estereotipo sexistek eta Marokoko gizarte-egituren hauskortasunak hainbat oztopo eta zailtasun ekarri dituztela erreforma hori aplikatzean. Hori dela eta, emakume marokoarra Europara doan migrazio-fluxuaren bektore ekonomiko eta sozial nagusia bihurtu da. Ezinbestekoa da aipatzea migrazio horrek kulturen arteko elkarbizitza dakarrela halabeharrez, bi zutabetan oinarrituz: giza eskubideen arloan gutxieneko komun bat onartzea, eta aniztasuna errespetatzea eta integratzea.
Gako-hitzak: Emakume marokoarra -- Marokoko Familia Kodea -- Migraziofluxua -- Bektore ekonomiko eta soziala -- Integrazioa
Moroccan women, the main economic and social vector of the migration flow to Europe due to the reform of the Moroccan Family Code[Abstract]
The objective of this article, from a democratic and open reflection, is to analyze the situation of women before the reform of the Moroccan family code. It must be taken into account that, in practice, sexist stereotypes and the fragility of Moroccan social structures have created a series of obstacles that make it difficult to implement all these reforms. For this reason, Moroccan women have become the main economic and social vector of the migratory flow to Europe. It is essential to point out that this migration supposes an intercultural coexistence based on two pillars: the acceptance of a common minimum in the matter of human rights, and the respect and integration of diversity.
Key words: Moroccan women -- Moroccan family code -- Migration flow -- Multicultural society -- Economic and social vector -- Integration