Uztaro 121 (2022)

Ikasleen begirada heriotzaren aurrean: Gizarte Hezkuntzako ikasleen ahotsak jasotzen


Zenbait ikerketak erakutsi dute unibertsitateko gazteek heriotzaren aurrean beldurra eta antsietatea erakusten dutela. Horren arrazoi bat izan daiteke gure egungo gizarteak heriotza tabu moduan hartzea. Ikerketa honen helburu nagusia izan da Bilboko Hezkuntza Fakultateko (UPV/EHU) Gizarte Hezkuntzako 3. mailako ikasleen heriotzaren inguruko ahotsak eta gogoetak jasotzea hausnarketa sustatuz. Horretarako, teknika narratiboak erabili dira La Sonrisa Etrusca (Sampedro, 1985) liburuaren paragrafo batetik abiatuta. Emaitzek erakusten dute gazteek ez dutela inolako trebakuntzarik gaiaren inguruan, heriotza ez baita naturaltasunez lantzen, alor honetan emozioak kudeatzeko arazoak dituztela. Heriotzaren inguruko formakuntza pedagogikoa jasotzea ezinbestekoa da. Bereziki pertsonekin lan egingo duten profesionalentzat, gizarte-hezitzaileak horien artean.

Gako-hitzak: Heriotza -- Hezkuntza -- Unibertsitateko ikasleak -- Tabua


Death from university students perspective: collecting the voices of the students in Social Education Degree


Different studies have shown that young college students show fear and anxiety about death. One reason for this may be that our society of the day takes death as a taboo. The main objective of this research has been for 3rd year Social Education students of the Faculty of Education of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) to collect their voices and reflections on death in order to encouranging reflection. For this purpose, narrative techniques have been used based on a paragraph from the book La Sonrisa Etrusca/The Etruscan Smile (Sampedro, 1985). The result shows that young people do not have any training on the subject, since death is not worked with naturally and in this field young people have problems in managing emotions. Therefore, it is imperative to receive pedagogical training on death. Especially for professionals who will work with people, including social educators.

Key words: Death -- Education -- College students -- Taboo