Uztaro 123 (2022)

Hezkuntzaren Historia jakintza-arloaren ekarpena hezkuntzako profesionalen unibertsitateko prestakuntzan

Karmele Artetxe Sanchez
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Hezkuntzaren Historia jakintza-arloaren bi alderdi aztertzen dira artikulu honetan: batetik, jakintza-arloaren epistemologia eta historiografia, eta, bestetik, Hezkuntzaren Historiak irakasgai gisa hartuta hezkuntzako profesionalen —pedagogo, irakasle zein gizarte-hezitzaileen— prestakuntzan izan dezakeen balio formatiboa. Izan ere, XIX. mendean nabarmendu zen diziplina akademiko gisa, hezkuntzari lotutako ikasketetan. XX. mendearen joanean, ordea, gero eta presentzia urriagoa izan du ikasketa-planetan, ia desagertzeraino. Gainera, Hezkuntzaren Historiaren ikerketak izandako bilakaerak eta horren inguruan egin diren hausnarketa epistemologikoek ez dute isla handirik izan irakasgaia unibertsitatean emateko moduan. Hezkuntzaren Historia eredu historiografiko zaharkituen arabera irakasten segitzen da. Eduki entziklopedikoak bermatu nahi dira, ohartu gabe (datuen) kantitatea baino areago, ikasleen pentsamendu eta hezkuntza-begirada kritikoa eta propioa eraikitzen laguntzea dela irakasgai honek egin dezakeen ekarpenaren gakoa.

Gako-hitzak: Hezkuntzaren Historia -- Goi-mailako hezkuntza -- Historiografia


The Contribution of History Education to the University Training of Education Professionals


This article examines two aspects of the history of education in the field of knowledge: on the one hand, the epistemology and historiography of the field of knowledge; and on the other hand, the formative value that the History of Education can have in the training of education professionals —educators, teachers and social educators—. In fact, the XIX. century stood out as an academic discipline in studies related to education. In the 20th century, however, it has become increasingly scarce in its curricula, almost disappearing. Moreover, the evolution of the study of the History of Education and the epistemological reflections that have been made on it do not seem to have reflected much in the way the subject is taught in the university. The History of Education continues to be taught according to outdated historiographical models. The aim is to ensure that encyclopedic content, rather than the amount of (data), is the key to the contribution that this subject can make to helping students build critical and self-critical thinking and education.

Key words: History of Education -- High Education -- Historiography