giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Artikulu honetan, azken hilabeteetan zeresan handia ematen ari den lanaldimurrizketaren proposamena aztertu da. Besteak beste, neurri horrek zer beharri erantzuten dion, zer funtzio bete ditzakeen eta zer logika duen ikertu da. Horretarako, esperientzia historikoetan oinarritu gara: Britainia Handia, Alemania, Frantzia… Esperientzia horiek aztertu ostean, ondorioztatu da kapitalistek eta langileek lanegunaren iraupenari dagokionez kontrajarritako bi ikuspegi adierazten dituztela, eta interesen arteko lehia horretan laneguna noraino luzatuko den indarrak erabakitzen duela. Marxek zioen lanaren intentsifikazioaren eta makineriaren perfekzionamenduaren ondorioz puntu kritiko batetik gertuago egongo zela kapitala, eta lanegunaren beste murrizketa bat ekarriko zuela; artikuluan, puntu kritiko horren aurrean sortzen ari diren erreakzioetan kokatzen da lan-astea 32 ordura murrizteko proposamena.
Gako-hitzak: Lanaldi-murrizketa -- Más País -- Laneguna -- Egokitzapena
A proposal to reduce the working hours: the victory of the working class or the adaptation of the bourgeoisie?[Abstract]
In this article, a proposal for a reduction in the working hours, which has been going on in recent months, it‘s been examined. Among other things, we have found the necessity to investigate for this measure, its functions, and its logic. To that end, it‘s based on historical experiences: Britain, Germany, France. After studying these experiences, it has been concluded that capitalists and workers express two contrary views on the duration of the working day, and that in this competition between interests, strength determines how far the working day will be extended. Marx said that due to the labor intensive and the machine ‘s modernitation the capital would be closer to a critical point, which would lead to a new reduction in the working hours. In the article, a proposal to reduce the working week to 32 hours is included in the reactions that are arising in the face of this critical point.
Key words: Reduction of the working hours -- Más País -- Working day -- Adaptation