Uztaro 17 (1996)

Informazioaren iraultza

Xabier Artola Zubillaga
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Informazioaren teknologiak nora garamatzan jakitea ezinezkoa da, baina eguneroko bizitzan ikusten ditugu aldaketak informazio-iraultzaren eraginez: pertsonen arteko kontaktuaren gainbehera, sentsibilitate estetikoaren aldaketa, teknologiak ezarririko menpekotasuna... Maila handiagoan ere ikusten da eragina, batzuetan positiboa, beste batzuetan negatiboa: kultura lokalen mehatxari den uniformetasuna, informazioaren ekonomia berria, alderdi politikoen leku-galtzea publizitatearen mesedetan, informazioa dutenen eta ez dutenen arteko zuloa zabaltzea... Gizakiak dituen balio handienak beregan baino aurkituko ez dituenez, gizatasun aldagaitzari leial irauten asmatu beharra dugu.


It is impossible to know where the technology of information will take us, but in everyday life we notice changes originated by the technological revolution: the decline of personal relations, the change of the aesthetic sensibility, the dependence set by technology... The effect, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, is also noticeable on a higher level: the uniformity which constitutes a threat to local cultures, the new economy of information, the loss of position of political parties for the benefit of advertising, the expanding of the gap between those who have information and those who have not... Human being should be loyal to its unchangeable human condition, because it will find its greatest and more important values only within itself.