giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Telebista-kanaletako albistegietan esan eta ikusten dena gero eta antzekoagoa dela esan ohi da. Horrela ote den jakiteko, informazio-saioen osagarri formalak eta edukiak aztertuz, bide bat proposatzen zaigu artikulu honetan. Bertan, albistegien itxuraketa homogenotutik hasi eta kanal bakoitzaren edukian aurki daitezkeen desberdintasunak aipatzen dira. Eduki-azterketaren teknikatik, kanalen arteko ñabardurak definitu ahal izateko diskurtso informatiboaren testuingurua nola eraikitzen den ikertzea gomendatzen da.
It has been said that there is a huge similarity between what can be seen and heard on different TV channels. In order to check whether that is true or it is not, this article proposes a way to analyze the content and the formal aspects of news programmes. The formal similarities in the way the news is presented on every channel are contrasted by clear differences in the content of the news. Using the technique of content analysis, we try to prove the need for the intensive study of the context of every news programme, in order to be able to identify and to analyze differences among various TV channels.