Uztaro 20 (1997)

Santamariaren pentsamendu atarikoa

Joxe Azurmendi Otaegi
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Santamariaren pentsamendua pertsonalista dela guztiok ezaguntzat emanik, galdetzen da zehatz-mehatz zein galderari erantzun nahi izan dien, haren pertsonalismo konkretuak. Artikuluak azaltzen du horiek ez direla funtsean kultura ororen eta filosofiaren historia osoaren azpian beti dauden galderak besterik: bizitzaren zentzuaren arazoa bere hiru mailatan, hots, bizitza indibidualarenean, bizitza historian landuarenean eta bizitza kosmoan ahituarenean. Gizarte moderno teknologikoan galdera horien birplanteamendua dago, pertsonaren balioaren galdera, helburu eta ez bitarteko bihurtzen baita.


Realizing and basing on the idea that, as everybody knows, the thought of Santamaria is personalistic, the issue to know is to which questions Santamaria’s personal reference responds. The article shows up that these questions are the same as the ones who underlay at the bottom of every culture and within the history of philosophy: the problem of the sense of life, on its triple level: individual life, life worked in history and life consummated in the cosmos. These questions are reopened within the modern technological society as a question of the value of a person as an objective, not as a media.