giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Araba da euskal herrialderik erdaldunena eta bere erdalduntze bilakaeraren berri ematea da txosten honen helburua. Gaur egun beste norabidean, euskalduntze bidean, egiten ari diren urratsez ere aipatzen da zer edo zer. Txostenaren bigarren zatian, berriz, Araban hitz egiten zen euskara nolakoa zen erakusten da eta, eskuartean dauzkagun lekukotasunak kontuan izanda, Arabako hori, Bizkaiko eta Deba arroko hizkerekin batera, “mendebala” dei litekeen hizkuntz eremuan sartzea proposatzen da.
Within the Basque Provinces, Araba is the most Spanish-spoken one, and the aim of this report is precisely to explain the process by which Araba has acquired a Spanish flavour. The steps taken nowadays in the opposite direction, the way for becoming Basque, are also somehow mentioned. The second part of the article goes on to show how the Basque language spoken in Araba is. Finally, the report concludes with a proposition to consider the Basque language of Araba a “west-side language”, together with the ones of Biscay and the basin of the river Deba.