Uztaro 21 (1997)

Heriotza eta heriotzaren inguruko ohitura batzuk

Juan Garmendia Larrañaga
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Etnografiari esker gure elkarte txiki batzuetan heriotza nola sentitu eta adierazi den ikusiko dugu. Horrela, banaka, kanpaia, hildakoari gaubeila, baserriko abereei berri ematea, hilotza etxean denean leihoak itxita egotea, etxeko fatxadako armarria oihal beltzez estaltzea... deskribatzen dira. Honez gainera, gorpuaren konduzioari loturik dagoen hainbat usadio: hildakoaren auzokidea segizioburu izatea, negar egiteko emakumezkoak kontratatzea, serora figuraren errol garrantzitsua, hileta orduko eskaintzak (ogia, ardoa, idiak, ahariak, etabar.), gorpua hilerriraino laguntzea, han lur-apur bat edo harriren bat gainera jaurtiaz amaitzea, hileta-elizkizunak ongi hornitutako mahai baten inguruan bukatzeko ohituraren iraupena, hildakoen eta bizidunen arteko harremanak luzatzea...


Basing on the ethnography, we will see the different ways death has been felt and expressed in some little communities close to us. In this way, the bell, the funeral wake, making knows to the animals of the farms, keeping the windows closed while the corpse is within the house, covering the shield of the house front with a black cloth... are described in the article. Furthermore, some customs related with the conduction of the corpse: a neighbor of the dead man or woman leading the conduction, contracting women to cry, the important role of the nun, the offerings after the funeral (bread, wine, bullocks, sheeps...), the accompaniment to the corpse up to the cemetery, and, once there, throwing ground or little stones on, the continuity of the religious acts in a very well supplied table, the prolongation of the relationship between dead and alive people.