Uztaro 26 (1998)

Ikasle militanteen esperientzia

Eguzki Urteaga
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Artikulu honek ohar bat du abiapuntutzat, hots, ikasle-militantismoari buruz egin diren ikerketa gehienak akzio kolektiboaren ikuspegitik, Touraineren Lutte Étudiante adibide dela, edo erakundearen ikuspegitik jorratuak izan direla. Baina ezer gutxi dakigu ikasle militanteez aktore gisa eta, zehazkiago, militantismoa bizi duten moduaz. Helburua hutsune hori betetzea da, Frantziako ikasle militanteen esperientzia militantea zein den ulertzen saiatuz.

Gure hipotesia da, esperientzia militantea zatitua dagoela osatzen duten logikak, hau da, integrazioa, proiektua, bokazioa zein kritika, bereizi direnetik. Sortutako elkargaitzek militanteengan askotariko tentsioak ager daitezen laguntzen dute, besteak beste frustrazioa, angustia edo alienazioa, batasuna eraikitzeko barne-lan bat egitera bortxatuz. Baina ez dituzte denek zatiketa zein beraien ondorio berak ezagutu bakoitzak dauzkan baliabideen banaketa ezberdina baita karrera militanteko aurrerapenak banaketa horretan zerikusi nagusia dauka.


This article starts making the remark that researches realized about student militancy have chosen to analyse the perspective of mobilization, as Touraine’s Lutte Étudiante, or the organizational perspective. We know few things on student militants as actors and, more precisely, on the manner in which they live their militancy. The objective is to fill this gape, trying to understand the militant experience of the militant students.

Our hypothesis is that the militant experience has been divided since that integration, project, vocation and critical logics have been separated. Incompatibilities originated have favorised the emergence of different kind of tensions among the militants, notably, frustration, anguish or alienation, forcing them to work reconstructing an internal union. But,everybody do not know similar divisions and consequences because their distribution is different. The advance in the militancy quarrier has been important in this distribution.