Uztaro 27 (1998)

Atxaga post-obabarra edo literatura autonomoaren heteronomizazioa

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Artikulu honen bidez gaur egun euskal esparru literarioan nagusi den “autonomiaren belaunaldi” deritzonak 70. hamarkadaren erditik aurrera eratutako euskarazko literatur eginkizunaren problematizazioa aintzat hartzen da, eta bereziki problematizazio horren irudi enblematikoa bilakatu den Bernardo Atxaga. Gure historia hurbilaren emaitza den ikuspegi hori egituratzen duen konzeptu giltzarria den “autonomia”-ren kritika soziologiko bat burutzeko asmoz, Atxagak 89-ko Sari Nazioanalaz geroztik egindako ibilbide literarioaren azterketa sozioanalitiko bat proposatzen da, hau da, idazle asteasuarraren azkenaldiko idazkien baitan aurkitzen den inkonziente soziologikoaren miaketa bat.


The paper analizes the set of problems concerning the task of the literature created in Basque from the mid 70s on by the literary generation born around the time of the establishment of the “Statute of Autonomy”, the most prominent group in Basque literature nowadays. Special attention is paid to the figure of Bernardo Atxaga, who has become the symbol of that generation. With a view to developing a sociological criticism of the key concept of “autonomy” that lies behind the above mentioned prospective resulting from our recent history, the author develops a socioanalytical study of the literary journey made by Atxaga after winning the National Prize in Literature in 1989. An in-depth analysis is offered which examines the collective unconscious found in the latest works of the writer from Asteasu.