Uztaro 27 (1998)

Euskal komunikabideak Interneten


Saio honen helburua euskarazko kazetaritzak Interneten nolako presentzia duen adieraztea da. Gure arteko komunikabideak berandu eta lotsati samar sartu dira sareen sarean, eta haien egituran, lurralde aurreratuetako produktu elektronikoekin konparatuta ere, eskasiak badaude. Hala ere, mundu fisikoan gertatzen den legez, ziberespazioan ere euskarazko komunikazioak zenbait esparru konkistatzeko lanean dihardu. Testu honetan Interneten dauden euskal hedabideen historia egiteaz gain, haien ezaugarriak, haien proiekzioa eta etorkizunerako antzematen diren joerak ere azaltzen dira, beti ere mundu osokoekin parekatuz.


In this essay, we explain which is the presence of the Basque-language journalism in Internet. Our media reached the Net late and fearful, and, if we compare them with those media of the most advanced lands, we can check that our digital journalism presents some important lacks. Nevertheless, as it happens in the physical world, also in cyberspace Basque-language journalism tries to conquer some space of its own. In this text we trace the history of the media present in Internet that uses the Basque-language, their characteristics, their projection and thein trends for the future, comparing them with the situation of the on-line journalism in the world.