Uztaro 30 (1999)

Bere baitarako pentsamendutik jabegorik gabekora. Arrazoi-mugen inguruan

Xabier Apaolaza Bernedo
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Libération-en ondorengo pentsamoldeen sorkuntzan parte hartuko dute fenomenologiak, existentzialismoak eta marxismoak. Momentu honetako kategoriak, honako hauek dira: iraultza, langileria, nia, kontzientzia, humanismoa, askatasuna, zentzua, fenomenoa, bibentzia, orokortasuna, dialektika.

Hirurogeigarren hamarkadan kodigoa, estrukturak, zientzia, hizkuntz zientzia, semiologia dira kategoria berriak.

Hirurogeita hamargarren hamarkadatik aurrera, berriz, deseraikitzea, posmodernitatea, desberdintasunaren pentsamendua dira hizpide. Pentsamendu desberdin hauek nola aldatzen diren eta aldaketa hauen bidea zein den argitzen edo adierazten saiatzen gara lan honetan.


After Liberation, Pehnomenology, Existentialism and Marxism created new thought. They use categories such as revolution, proletarian, the Self, conscience, humanism, freedom, sense, phenomenon, experience, generality and dialectics.

In the decade of the sixties categories such as code, structure, science, science of language, semeiology appeared.

After the decade of the seventies, however, the philosophic thought emphasizes such ideas as de-construction, postmodernity and difference. This article has tried to explain how those different ways of thinking change.