Uztaro 33 (2000)

Emakumeok, zientzia eta teknologia

Yolanda Jubeto Ruiz
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Artikulu honen helburua bikoitza da. Alde batetik, historian, emakumeek jakintzarekin izandako harremanak aztertzea, Europako kasua aztertuz bereziki, honen aukerak eta mugak islatzeko. Eta bestetik, mende honetan,
jakintza, teknika eta, oro har, berrikuntzaren sortze-prozesuak aztertu dituzten ereduak laburbiltzea, euren eragileak hobeto ezagutzeko eta emakumeen presentzia eskema horietan noraino iristen den ikusteko. Amaitzeko, emakumeek esparru horietan aukera gehiago izateko, zer nolako oinarrizko aldaketak bultzatu behar ditugun dugu hizpide.


Women, science and technology. The main aim of this article is double. On the one hand, it tries to summarize the role that women have played in the creation of knowledge in the last centuries, especially in Europe, to have a look at their opportunities and handicaps in these fields. And on the other hand, related to the XX Century, after briefly
explaining the main theories that have tried to explain the creation of innovations, we analyse the role that women play within the main actors of new recognised knowledge. Finally, we concentrate on the main changes we have to push forward in order to overcome the current limits and obstacles women find in these spheres.